Tuesday, October 4
9 AM Pacific / 10 AM Mountain / 11 AM Central / 12 PM Eastern for 1 hour.
The United States is in a state of crisis stemming from police abuse, racial injustice, and pandemic unrest—factors that are not only concurrent, but likely overlapping. The convergence of these events lays bare long standing societal issues and provides us with an opportunity, indeed, behooves us to examine the role of structural racism in population health. We utilize the Electronic Health Records from the UCSF Health system to examine the underlying biomedical reasons for observed racial health disparities and the relationship between these disparities and parallel inequalities in other sectors. We conduct standard statistical analyses as well as enhance causal inference models for these observational data by improving the computational capabilities of these models so that they are able to scale to large size and feature-rich digitized health records.
Wendy K. Tam Cho is Professor with appointments in the Departments of Political Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Asian American Studies, and the College of Law, Senior Research Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Faculty in the Illinois Informatics Institute, and Affiliate of the Cline Center for Advanced Social Research, the Computational Science and Engineering Program, and the Program on Law, Behavior, and Social Science, all at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is also Professional Researcher in the School of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco.
Slides and video are available upon request. Send email to newfrontiers@illinois.edu.