Tailored Training
NFI members can present on a range of training topics. We will ensure presentations are tailored to the background, experience, and needs of the participants – spanning introductory to advanced aspects – based on consultation with our partners. Hands-on activities and exercises may be offered to complement the presentations. All presentations will be recorded and available to our partners, unless classified information is being discussed.
Training can be delivered as self-paced courses, live events, and via recordings and slides from previous events (e.g. https://bluewaters.ncsa.illinois.edu/training). Live sessions may be conducted at a location chosen by our partners and/or as web-cast sessions, as determined to be most appropriate for the participants.
Categories for potential training are listed below. The sessions can address high performance computing, high throughput computing, and/or cloud computing environments as determined in consultation with our partners. Whether or not your topic(s) of interest are on this list, contact us at newfrontiers@illinois.edu to discuss your specific needs.
- Computing Infrastructure – select, install, and manage computing systems, storage systems, visualization systems, networks, software, system and data security
- Applications environments – select, install, manage, operate and use software infrastructure
- Parallel programming – selecting from among the various programming, models, and how to develop reusable and reproducible quality codes at scale
- Code profiling and optimization – optimizing software environments to utilize computing and storage resources
- Scaling-up and improving codes – maximizing computing capabilities of HPC systems and/or scale out computing systems
- Software engineering – designing and supporting code for long-term use by distributed teams of developers and users
- Image Analysis – automatication of image analysis for understanding of earth, space, human heath, etc.
- Information Inference – the processes and methods to derive insight and understanding from wide ranges of information sources 17
- Scientific applications – select and support a broad range of numerical algorithms, scientific packages, community codes, workflows, and legacy systems.
- Scientific and Engineering methods –researchers and developers from across the University of Illinois in a broad range of science and engineering fields will share strategies for using advanced computing systems and infrastructure to advance geospatial intelligence research and development
- Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning – how to utilize tools, systems, packages, data, and techniques for conducting analyses at scale
- Advanced networking and security – how to install, manage and support an open but secure computing environments with high performance and functionality
- Data management – how to select, manage, support and use a broad range of databases and data collections, including scaling to terabytes of distributed information
- Technology Assessment – Evaluation of new hardware and software technology, and innovative systems prototype implementation
Hackathons are in-person or virtual hands-on working sessions in which research and software development teams with existing software codes or applications are assigned expert mentors to work one-on-one with each team. The mentors and teams work to achieve the teams’ goals such as improving workflows, incorporating the use of GPUs, profiling and optimizing software, and scaling up codes. There are short presentations on the use of tools needed to analyze codes, while the majority of time is focused on mentors working with their assigned team to accelerate personnel productivity, improve code performance, and reduce the time to discovery.
Webinars are offered throughout the year and are posted at on the NFI News and Events page. The webinars cover a broad spectrum of topics including technologies, applications codes and packages, research projects, and other emerging and leading-edge topics. We welcome suggestions for webinar topics by sending email to newfrontiers@illinois.edu.